Building connections, drawing inspiration and exlporing opportunities as individuals and groups

Cover Creativity
Logo Erasmus+

Creativity is a crucial competence in the development of proactive and selfresponsible individuals. It helps people to be proactive, to ideate and to connect new ideas with previous experiences. It is a key competence for taking an active, leading role in social change.

As teachers, tutors, trainers, youth workers, group leaders, or volunteers in civic initiatives, we have an important role to play in creating spaces that allow people to unleash and explore their creativity. With this handbook, we'd like to advocate forgreater creativity in European education, and support those who share this desire with experience, tools and ideas.

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Das Handbuch wurde im Rahmen einer Strategischen Partnerschaft bei Erasmus+ mit folgenden PartnerInnen entwickelt:

Deutschland: Mitost e.V. und Working Between Cultures
Polen: Skoro
Bulgarien: Ideas Factory
Österreich: Südwind

Mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Europäischen Union.